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6 ideas to prevent bed bugs in hotel


Mon, 20 Feb 2023 22:00:00 GMT


Bed bugs are among the most hated hotel guests, with many hoteliers grappling with how to prevent bed bugs from spreading. Though these parasitic pests can be found in any public or private place, they’re especially fond of hotels as they have access to plenty of unsuspecting sleeping travellers and a buffet of food sources. To keep your guests safe, here are seven ideas for preventing bed bugs and other pests from ruining your hotel's reputation, budget, and mental energy.

1. Get permanently safe from bed bugs. 

The best way to prevent bed bugs is to keep your hotel permanently safe with a bed bug safety standard like the Valpas standard. Valpas is the new and only design standard for hotels that frees guests' in-room of the bed bugs they may carry. So guests travel home safely, and the hotel never gets infected and disrupted.


Unlike regular rooms that get infested, Valpas’ smart bed legs capture the first few bed bugs that arrive with guests before infestations.

The standard consists of anti-bed bug bed legs with a Nordic design that connects to a smartphone. Thanks to its dual-purpose – bed bug safety and a bed leg – the standard embeds elegantly into already over 10,000 hotel rooms and is easy to install ahead of an opening and even easier to maintain after it.

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Valpas is revolutionary when it’s in place, and no other means are needed: both guests and the hotel are covered. With the other means, it's impossible to prevent bed bugs with only one solution fully. When bed bugs arrive in an unprotected room, they always create damage. Hence, how to prevent bed bugs is really about minimising damage. Below are 6 other ways to prevent bed bugs that are not a full solution by any means but are aimed at minimising their damage with early detection paired with extermination.

2.  Know thy enemy – study bed bugs.

Learn what bed bugs look like and where they usually hide. These small, oval-shaped insects measure about five millimetres in length and range in colour from light brown to dark red. They like tight spaces, such as cracks in walls, carpets, and furniture, where they can feed on their hosts’ blood. Suppose you find an infestation on your premises. In that case, it’s important that you take steps immediately by calling an exterminator and alerting your guests so that they can check their belongings for bedbugs before leaving the hotel.

3. Regularly inspect your rooms for bed bugs.

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to bed bug infestations. You should inspect each room during cleaning and maintenance services to ensure there are no signs of the bed bugs — such as discarded exoskeletons or streaks of blood spots on sheets — before allowing new customers into a room. It’s also essential that all staff members are informed about the proper procedures for dealing with suspected infestations so they can take action quickly if required. Here are five tips on how to do that effectively.

4. Train hotel staff on bed bug prevention.

Train your staff on identifying bed bugs and their signs, such as blood stains, faecal matter, and shed skin. Make sure they know how to clean and inspect hotel rooms properly and how to respond to bed bug infestations, and proper cleaning techniques.

5. Keep your rooms clean and tidy to avoid bed bugs going undetected.

Hotels should also take a few extra steps when it comes to keeping their rooms clean and free from pests like bedbugs:

  • Vacuum all carpets regularly using a high-end vacuum cleaner equipped with HEPA filters

  • Use mattress covers that fit snugly around mattresses and box springs

  • Wash linens frequently at temperatures above 55°C (131°F)

  • Regularly inspect curtains and furniture for signs of bed bugs

  • Store suitcases away from beds during guest stays

  • Place double-sided tape along baseboards, which will stick any crawling insects

6. Look out for bed bug signs.

There are several signs of bed bugs that you can look for in a hotel room. Here are some common signs:

  • Blood stains: Look for small, dark blood spots on the sheets, mattress, or pillowcases. These are usually left behind by bed bugs that have been crushed or engorged with blood.

  • Faecal matter: Bed bugs leave behind small black or brown faecal stains that resemble tiny ink spots. These are often found on the seams of the mattress, sheets, or behind headboards.

  • Shed skins: Bed bugs shed their skins as they grow, so you may find small, papery skins that have been shed on the mattress or sheets.

  • Live bed bugs: Look for live bed bugs, which are small, reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed. They can crawl on the mattress, sheets, or other room areas.


Finally, remember that even after taking all these precautions, bed bugs will find their way into your hotel rooms through travellers who unknowingly bring them in from other locations.

In summary, with bed bug levels increasing worldwide faster than ever and no end in sight, preventing any bed bug infestation is essential for any successful hotel business. By taking these measures now, you can ensure your guests’ satisfaction and ensure your hotel real estate and budget while avoiding costly legal proceedings down the line due to an infestation caused by negligence or lack of knowledge on preventive measures against bed bugs. If you are interested in learning more about how to get peace of mind and permanent bed bug safety, book a demo with our friendly folks at Valpas today.


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